
My favourite questions for kicking off a new year Jan 02, 2022

How about starting the new year with good questions for reflection?

Here are my 21 favourite questions to kick start the new year.

  1. What was the highlight of 2021 for you personally?
  2. If you were to...
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Why you are bored at work #beingyou #career #findthejoyatwork Dec 15, 2021

I often get the question "Why are so many people bored at work? Is this really how working life should be?"

No, fortunately this is not how working life should be.

It is possible to find your way...

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Why you should have a gratitude list Nov 30, 2021

I often give my coaching clients the task of making a list of everything they are grateful for.

This exercise may seem a bit too simple at first, but it can really create big changes.


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