You have a voice that the world needs to hear.
About me
The common thread in my career has been to find and express what is unique and authentic - whether that is for a product, company or a person.
My vision is to inspire you to find your differences and uniqueness.
I would love for you to find your purpose and build your career where you do not have to fit in, but rather find a career path that suit who you are and your uniqueness.
I am convinced that we ALL have a voice that the world needs.
Sometimes we just need a little help to see it for ourselves and really embrace our own difference.
During the 10 years I have worked as a coach and mentor, I have been fortunate to inspire over 20,000 employees, job seekers and entrepreneurs to find their uniqueness and authentic voice.
I am the author of the book «Be Unique. How to enhance your personal brand» with over 1,500 downloads.
I have also been fortunate to hold several interesting lectures and courses and been interviewed about personal branding in business magazines in Norway.
I have a Masters in Branding from the Norwegian School of Management. I had over 18 years experience in international communication and brand building.
I have several certifications in coaching and various forms of therapy including NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming), TFT (Thought Field Therapy), Hypnotherapy and EAM (Energy Alignment Method).
My Education / Certification
Norwegian School of Management
- Masters of Marketing, Master in Branding
- Special course in brand building / branding
Norwegian School of Economics /NHH
- 1 year specialisation in branding / branding
Nordic Coach & NLP Academy
- NLP Practitioner (level 1)
- NLP Master Practitioner (level 2)
- NLP Health and Wellness Coach (level 3)
- Platinum Professional Coach (level 4)
Norwegian Academy of Hynotherapy
- Certified Hypnotherapist
- Regression Therapist (Master)
- Parts therapy / Inner Conflict Resolution (Master) by Roy Hunter
- Instructor course in self-hypnosis by Steve Burgess
- EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
- Certified TFT therapist (Thought Field Therapy) by Mats Uldal
- Certified Energy Alignment Method (EAM) Mentor by Yvette Taylor
- Goal Mapping practitionar by Brian Mayne
- Access Consiousness / BARS / Body Processes
- Certified Master Reiki practitioner
Do you want more information about how I work?
Fill out the form below and I will answer you as soon as I can. Can't wait to hear from you.