Why YOU Are A Personal Brand

#beingyou personal branding youareunique Feb 28, 2023

Normally I wouldn’t use the word “branding” when discussing human beings. We are not commodities like products or companies.

However, despite how we choose to regard the word - we all have a unique brand within our own personal and professional networks, whether we’re aware of it or not.

What is a personal brand?

A personal brand is the sum total of all associations people have of you. It's the sum total of the adjectives your network would describe you as to someone else when we’re not around.

The question is not whether you are a brand or not, but rather how satisfied you are with your brand as it stands today.

Although your personal brand is defined by how others perceive you, you still have the power to affect your personal brand.

Even though you may not have been aware of it, YOU have actually been developing your brand your whole life - probably both conscious and subconscious.

You build your personal brand by the way you speak, your behaviour, your background, how you dress and your online and social media presence. 

The first step to becoming more conscious about your brand is to assess how your personal brand is today. How do people perceive you? What do they say about you when they describe you to others?

A great staring point is to ask your colleague, friends and family to describe you using only 3 words (adjectives). Then look at the common denominators. 

And if you do not like the brand you perceived to be today, there are always possibilities for a change. Just remember to be AUTHENTIC and TRUE TO WHO YOU NATURALLY ARE.

That is the winning formula! 

Good luck!